Nyabende Back to School Event

Happy New Year 2024

On January 4th, 2024, Nyabende Support Programmes in collaboration with  Nyando Moonlight, held a joint back to school activity. The event was a success, and the girls who attended received pens, books, and sanitary pads for those in boarding schools. 

The event was supported by Diana Mercy, the convenor of Women in Justice Centers in Western. The event was aimed at supporting girls who may not have access to basic school supplies. 

The provision of sanitary pads is particularly important as it helps to ensure that girls do not miss school due to their menstrual cycle. The event was a great success, and the girls who attended were grateful for the support they received. Nyando Social Justice Center is committed to promoting social justice in the community. 

The center organizes and participates in events that are inclined toward legal awareness, civic education, and empowerment across the East and Horn of Africa region. The center is dedicated to ensuring that everyone has access to justice, regardless of their background or circumstances.

The back to school event is just one of the many initiatives that Nyando Social Justice Center has undertaken to promote social justice in the community. The center is committed to continuing its work and ensuring that everyone has access to the resources they need to succeed.


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