In a groundbreaking two-day event that brought together leaders and advocates from across the nation, the NEPHAK Leadership Summit held in Machakos County on November 27th and 28th, 2028, proved to be a pivotal moment in the ongoing fight against HIV/AIDS. The summit not only provided a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences but also celebrated the outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations committed to making a difference.
One of the standout moments of the summit was the recognition bestowed upon Caren Kiarie, the founder of Nyabende Support Programmes and Nyando Social Justice Center. Kiarie, a dedicated advocate for HIV/AIDS awareness and community empowerment, was presented with an award in acknowledgment of her remarkable work in Kisumu County.
In her acceptance speech, Kiarie expressed her gratitude and highlighted the significance of the award. Kiarie's efforts were particularly emphasized in her presentation on Kisumu County's identified advocacy priorities as part of the World AIDS Day celebration on December 1st. This showcased the proactive approach taken by Nyabende Support Programmes and Nyando Social Justice Center in addressing the unique challenges faced by the community in Kisumu County.
What set Kisumu County apart was its remarkable achievement in mobilizing the largest number of NEPHAK members after Nyamira. Kiarie shared her enthusiasm about the award, stating, "Kisumu County winning after having mobilized the biggest number of NEPHAK members after Nyamira. What I liked about this award is that we will be identifying then nominating from the counties. We have to let communities lead."
This emphasis on community leadership resonated throughout the summit, underlining the importance of grassroots involvement in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Kiarie's words echoed a broader commitment to empowering communities, allowing them to take charge of their health and well-being.
The NEPHAK Leadership Summit in Machakos County not only celebrated achievements but also served as a catalyst for future endeavors. As advocates like Caren Kiarie continue to make strides in community empowerment, the hope is that their dedication will inspire others to join the cause, creating a ripple effect that leads to positive change nationwide. The event showcased the power of collaboration, innovation, and a shared commitment to building a healthier, more empowered future for all.