Advocating for Affordable Healthcare in Kisumu County

Finance Bill 2024

In a significant move towards enhancing healthcare accessibility in Kisumu County, the Nyando Social Justice Center conducted a public participation forum focused on the Finance Bill 2024, specifically addressing the health budget. This initiative underscores the community's urgent call for a review of critical healthcare charges, including laboratory, maternity, and morgue fees.

Addressing Healthcare Challenges

During the forum, community members voiced their concerns about the rising costs associated with essential health services. Many expressed that the current charges are prohibitive, particularly for low-income families who struggle to afford necessary medical care. The Nyando Social Justice Center, led by Caren Kiarie, emphasized the need for a more equitable health budget that prioritizes the well-being of all residents.

Key Focus Areas

  1. Laboratory Charges: Participants highlighted the need for affordable laboratory services, which are crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment. High fees can deter individuals from seeking necessary medical tests, leading to untreated health conditions.
  2. Maternity Charges: The rising costs of maternity services were a significant concern, with many advocating for free or subsidized maternal healthcare to ensure safe deliveries and comprehensive prenatal care.
  3. Morgue Charges: The financial burden of morgue fees was also discussed, as families often face additional stress during times of grief. Advocates called for a review of these charges to alleviate the financial strain on bereaved families.

A Call for Action

The Nyando Social Justice Center is committed to advocating for a health budget that reflects the needs of the community. By engaging residents in this public participation forum, the center aims to amplify their voices and push for necessary reforms in the Finance Bill 2024.

As the discussions continue, the Nyando Social Justice Center urges all stakeholders, including government representatives and health officials, to consider the community's feedback seriously. Ensuring affordable healthcare is not just a financial issue; it is a matter of human rights and dignity. 

Together, we can work towards a health budget that serves everyone in Kisumu County effectively.

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